Monday, July 22, 2013

This Week's Sweets

Chocolate CRACKle Cookies
 I'm pretty sure I ate seventeen of these. Served them with homemade peach cinnamon ice cream. Uh yum.

Chocolate Crackle Cookies
1 1/4 cups packed dark brown sugar
1 stick (or 1/2 cup) butter
1 t vanilla
2 eggs

2 cups unbleached flour (unbleached flour gives cookies a chewier texture, but I'm sure you can substitute all-purpose)
6 T cocoa powder
1/2 t salt (I always use kosher salt)
1/4 t baking soda

1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup powdered sugar

Sift dry ingredients together and set aside.

Cream brown sugar and butter until light and fluffy, add vanilla, and beat in eggs one at a time until completely incorporated.

Add dry ingredients and mix until combined.

Roll dough in to tablespoon size balls (I used a small dough scoop) and then roll first in the granulated and then in the powdered sugar.

Bake on parchment lined cookie sheets at 375 for 8-10 minutes.

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