Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bowling Party

My son is border line obsessed with bowling. Every night when he says his prayers, he says, "Thank you that I can go bowling with Will..." He means, "Bless me that I can go bowling with Will." That's his best friend. Anyway, if he forgets to say this in his prayers, he has to start over! So we thought it appropriate that we have a bowling themed birthday party for his 4th.

I couldn't find any bowling pin cookie cutters locally, so I had to make the one I used. I took a large heart shaped cutter and cut it and reshaped it with pliers. Now my hubby refers to me as the "handy, handy craftsman" (from Meet the Parents, so funny). So we had full size cupcakes with pins and balls. We tried to make the kitchen table look like a bowling lane. It looked really cool in real life, but didn't come out too well in the photos. You get the idea though ;)

And for their favors we gave them each a set of bowling cookies, a mini bowling set, some bowling balls (gum balls), and a little bowling pin flashlight.

I also learned a valuable lesson. This is the first boy party I have thrown. I had all sorts of activities planned (like I do for my daughter's parties), but after about 5 minutes with a house full of little boys I realized that they don't care about games and activities. They just want to run around and be crazy. So that's basically what we did. Run around. Be loud. Eat cake. Open presents. It was awesome.

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