Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Menu Addition.

I have had several requests for mini cheesecakes, so this holiday weekend I decided to give them a try. It took me a couple tries to get them right - the first time I made them the crust wasn't moist enough and the cheese cake wasn't thick enough, but in the end we figured it out and they turned out délicieux!

I topped them with fresh berries and an apricot glaze. The picture isn't the best, as I took it whilst running out the door, late for a 4th of July BBQ, but you get the idea! They will be priced at $36 for 2 dozen, with a 2 dozen minimum.
And on a side note...I think I have completely spoiled my children for life. There were perfect rice krispie treats, amazing chocolate chip bar cookies, and yummy sugar cookies also present at this BBQ. But no. My kids needed the fancy shmancy cheesecakes. They would settle for nothing less. At one point I looked over while I was chatting with some friends and Thomas (my 2 year old) was double fisting it with berries and cheesecake remnants all over his face. Not good. Not good at all. :)

1 comment:

ashlie said...

My kids love these also! Paxton has eaten 9 at one sitting!