Monday, May 10, 2010

The Blah Blah's

I have the blahs. My husband has been out of town for almost a month. My little ones have had the flu. I have been busy busy baking. Mother's Day has come and gone. And today, I decided I would take some time to put my tired feet up. I stopped at the local coffee shop and got myself a cup of amazing herbal tea (blood orange, so good), and a warm ham and cheese croissant (mmm...). Now I think I will make some of these:

And curl up with a good book. Or maybe catch up on some of my DVRed shows. Because sometimes a busy mama, just needs to treat herself to some "me" time and to something chocolaty ooey gooey. Now i just need to figure out how to occupy a VERY busy 3 year old ;)

1 comment:

avonlea_ann said...

These look sooooo good! I hope you got some down time today!! Can you share the recipe for these or is it a trade secret? :)
