Sunday, March 21, 2010

St. Patty's Day Goodness

I neglected to take pictures of everything, but here is a picture of a couple of the things I made for two different St. Patrick's Day events (none of which I was able to attend, because my kiddos were home sick!).

Soft sour cream sugar cookies with fresh whipped vanilla butter cream, and chocolate little cakes topped with cookies-n-cream butter cream and personalized vanilla glazed sugar cookies.

I also made coconut macaroon tartes filled with fresh lime curd and topped with freshly whipped cream, and puffed rice treats tinted green and topped with drizzles of white chocolate tinted green. Both were yummy. And cute. But I forgot to take a picture before I delivered them. The lime tartes, I must admit, are a new favorite. The combination of the sweet macaroon crust with the tart lime center was to.die.for.

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